Monday- July 1st, 2024

Furno Hall

8:30-8:55 Registration
9:00-9:15 Welcoming Remarks   Br. Hernan Santos, Vice Chancellor   Dr. Iman Saca, Vice President for Academic Affairs   Mr. Moussa Rabadi, Director of The ICEP  
9:15-10:00 Keynote Address   Prof Samer Alatout, The Buttel-Sewell Professor, Department of Community and Environmental Sociology, UW-Madison.    
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 -11:45   Session 1
  Panel 1: Historical and Cultural Narratives in Palestinian Contexts   Moderator: Ms. Hanadi Younan   Room: Furno Hall Panel 2: Innovative Approaches in Education and Pedagogy     Moderator: Dr. Hashem Shahin   Room: M-103  
  Islamic Cultural-Religious Life in Jerusalem on the Eve of the First Crusade” Dr. Omar Abed Rabbo     درجة توافر الميزة التنافسية في الجامعات الفلسطينية في ضوء مبادئ تدويل التعليم العالي وعلاقتها ببعض المتغيرات” أ. غريس حزبون و أ. د. راتب السعود  
  What explains Regional Initiatives of the Palestinian Diaspora in Latin America?   Ms. Samar Kassasfeh     Strengthening the kindergarten teacher’s manual based on the NCTM standards: proposed amendments   Dr. Rabiha Elyan & Najah Harb  
    دلائليّة تسريد “الميتا سرد” في خطاب الأنا – الــ “نحن” الكاتبة في رواية “طفولتي حتّى الآن” للأديب إبراهيم نصر الله” د. زين العابدين عواودة   Home and abroad: Exploring my lived experiences through poetry and narrative   Dr. Fadel Jobran-Alsawayfa
11:45-13:00  Session 2  
    Panel 3: Real world problems and potential solutions in technology and health   Moderator: Dr. Hanan Hazboun   Room: Furno Hall     Panel 4: Psychological and Social Well-being in Adverse Conditions     Moderator: Dr. Najwan Adileh   Room: M-103  
   “Pharmacological Properties and amount of ephedrine and pseudoephedrine of Ephedra alata and Ephedra fragilis in Palestine.”   Michel Hanania, Sireen Radwan, Issa Sbaih, Amna Attoun, & Fouad Al-Rimawi   Patience and its relationship to stress tolerance in relation to demographic factors of the medical system in Bethlehem Governorate during the COVID-19 pandemic   Dr. Nahida Al-Alarja  
    The importance of using sensory integration approach for infancy and early childhood through parents’ and therapists’ perspectives in the Palestinian community   Ms. Vida Bannoura   أثر الصورة المرئية على الحالة النفسية لطلاب الإعلام (حرب غزة كحالة دراسة)   أ. هشام ملحم اللحام
  User Modeling for Adaptive Human Computer Interaction   Dr. Anas Samara     مستويات الثقافة الرياضية لدى الطلاب الجامعيين: طلبة جامعة بيت لحم كحالة دراسة أ. جورج منولي  
    Palestinian Midwives’ Attitudes, Perception and Challenges about Home Birth Readiness, Under Political Crisis in the West Bank   Ms. Fatima Al Madany-Hammad & Ibtisam Dweikat    
1:00-2:00 Lunch Break
  Session 3  
  Panel 5: Literature, Tourism, and Ideological Debates   Moderator: Dr. Muna Matar   Room: Furno Hall   Panel 6: Political Resistance and Media Dynamics   Moderator: Dr. Mumen Al-Badarin   Room: M-103  
    أزمة الخطاب الأدبي الصهيوني ونظريات الاستعمار وما بعده: جدلية النص والأيدلوجيا في رواية ” قصة عن الحب والظلام” لعاموس عوز نموذج د. زياد بني شمسه وأ. نادية بني شمسه   الطباعة والمقاومة: الحياة السياسية للطباعة في القدس 1972-1993 أ. احمد أسعد
    Empowering Communities through Solidarity: The Role of Homestay Tourism in Fostering Sustainable Solidarity Tourism in Palestine   Mr. Ihab Jaber & Mr. Zaidoun Darwish   A Study of the Trilogy of St. John: Gospel, Letters, Apocalypse   Fr. Peter Du Brul
    Neoliberal Contradictions, Necrocapitalist Nightmares: Questions of Human Agency and Free Will in Aḥmad Saʿdāwī’s Frankenstein in Baghdad   Prof Jamil Khader   Understanding media empowerment: Citizen journalism in Palestine     Dr. Ibrahim Hroub
3:15-4:00 Closing Remarks/ Discussion