Chemistry Students Visit Cosmetics Factory

The Department of Chemistry at Bethlehem University’s Faculty of Applied Science, Technology, and Engineering organized an educational field visit for students enrolled in the “Factory Quality” (Chem499) course. The trip, held on Tuesday, 4 June 2024, took students to the Raed Cosmetics Factory in Beit Sahour.

This visit aimed to provide students with valuable experience in several key areas:

  • Students gained insights into the operations of a Palestinian factory licensed by the Ministry of Health and adhering to international quality standards like ISO and GMP.
  • The visit aimed to raise awareness about national products and encourage students to support local businesses.
  • Students connected their classroom studies to real-world practices by observing production lines for various products like shampoos, creams, and solutions, which they had previously learned about in previous courses.
  • The visit explored potential collaboration between the Department and Raed Cosmetics, particularly in student training opportunities for the Faculty’s new “Pharmaceutical and Industrial Chemistry” program.