De La Salle Day, celebrating service at Bethlehem University

Bethlehem University held a memorial mass in celebration of the feast of Saint John De La Salle, founder of the Christian Brothers Schools and patron saint of all teachers, on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, at the Chapel of the Divine Child on the university campus.

The mass included the renewal of vows by the De La Salle Brothers, reaffirming their commitment to the mission of education and dissemination of knowledge in the footsteps of De La Salle.

After the mass, Brother Dr. Hernán Santos, Vice Chancellor and Brother Peter Iorlano, Vice President for Human Resources, handed tokens of recognition to retired employees and those who have been part of the Bethlehem University family for five to forty-five years, for their continuous service and dedication over the years at Bethlehem University.

This is an annual ceremony that Bethlehem University holds to recognize its employees since its inception in 1973.

The event is usually attended by faculty, staff, and the administration of the University. This year marks the first participation of Br. Hernan as a new Vice Chancellor, succeeding Br. Peter Bray who served the university for 15 years since he assumed office in 2009.

Below are photos of the event:

2024-05-14 De La Salle Day