Student Cell Hosts Disability Awareness Workshop at Zbierski Library

The Zbierski Library at Bethlehem University held a workshop on “Disability Awareness” organized by the student cell on Thursday, 9 May 2024..

Library Director Ms. Elizabeth D’souza warmly welcomed the event’s speakers, Mrs. Sanabel Hsan (Psychologist) and Ms. Dana Ramadan (Occupational Therapist) from Al Shourouq Organization. She also extended her gratitude to the student cell for their efforts in organizing the workshop.

The event, organized in collaboration with the esteemed Al Shourouq Organization, aimed to raise awareness and foster a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by individuals with disabilities.

The workshop covered a wide range of topics, delving into disability terminology, historical context, and practical strategies for interacting with individuals with disabilities. Participants actively engaged in role-playing exercises and skill-building activities.

With a diverse audience including students and faculty members, the workshop provided a platform for open discussion and exchange of ideas.

The collaboration between Bethlehem University and Al Shorouq Organization underscores the importance of collective efforts in addressing societal challenges and advocating for the rights of marginalized groups.