On Wednesday, 27 March 2024, a group of 10th grade students from Talitha Kumi School visited the Zbierski Library to learn about the services it provides to students and the community. The Turathuna: George Nasra center for Palestinian Heritage team warmly welcomed the students as they arrived. On their way to visit the center, Ms. Juana Juha, Library Staff for Circulation Services showed them around the library, explaining the steps for borrowing a book and the RFID detection system. Ms. Juha also explained to them about discussion rooms and the silent areas in the library. At the center, Ms. Mary Morcos, Curator of the Center provided insights on Palestinian dress from the 19th century that they have in the center, and showed them around the heritage exhibit they have at the center.
The students also watched a short video about old Bethlehem, including attire and transportation of that era. Subsequently, the group proceeded to the Chapel of the Divine Child, where Ms. Amjaad Musleh, the Guest Relations Officer explained to the students about the chapel.
The teachers and students expressed deep gratitude for the insightful tour of the Bethlehem University campus, and the information they learned during the visit.