ICP Concludes Two Training Courses, Graduate 17 Students

The Institute for Community Engagement and Partnership at Bethlehem University (ICP) successfully concluded two training courses on life skills and job readiness, totaling 25 and 32 training hours, respectively.

At the graduation ceremony, sponsored by the Catholic Relief Services, Samar Rishmawi, the Project Manager at Catholic Relief Services, expressed her delight in conducting these trainings at Bethlehem University. She hoped for continued cooperation to implement further training programs at the university.

ICP Director Moussa Rabadi welcomed the guests and participants, congratulating the students on their completion of these vital courses, which provide multifaceted benefits.

Dr. Iman Saca, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, Brother Alejandro Cerna, the Dean of the Faculty of Education, along with Moussa Rabadi and Samar Rishmawi, distributed certificates to the 17 graduating students.