Bethlehem University’s Arabic School for Foreigners Celebrates Graduation Ceremony

On Wednesday, 31 May 2023, the Brother Vincent Malham Center (BVMC) at Bethlehem University was filled with joy and celebration as the Spring 2022/2023 graduation ceremony of the Arabic School for foreigners took place.

The event was attended by Brother Peter Bray, Vice Chancellor of Bethlehem University, Mr. Youil Anastas, Vice President for Finance, Ms. Nadia Bany Shamsa, Director of the Br. Vincent Malham Center, students, and BVMC professors.

The graduating students expressed their happiness and gratitude for being part of Bethlehem University by showcasing their talents through performances of songs in Arabic, English, and even Korean. The nuns, who had also been part of the Arabic School, beautifully sang hymns in Arabic, a testament to the lessons they had learned during their time at the center.

During the ceremony, the students were presented with their certificates for completing the Intensive and regular courses, marking their successful completion of the program.

To commemorate this special occasion and bid farewell to the graduating students before they returned to their respective countries, a lively barbecue and lunch party was organized. The event provided an opportunity for the students and their teachers to mingle and celebrate their achievements together. As part of the culinary experience, a traditional dessert dish “Kunafa Nabulsi” was prepared right in front of the students, adding a touch of delight and happiness to the celebration.

The Brother Vincent Malham Center would like to extend their heartfelt wishes to all the graduating students, hoping that they will continue to excel in life and surpass all expectations.