On October 21st, 2022, Bethlehem University named its library the “Zbierski Library” as an expression of the University’s appreciation to Dr. Suava Zbierski, and her husband, Mr. Ghassan Salameh, for their generous donation to develop the University’s facilities.
The naming and blessing ceremony began with the Palestinian National Anthem. Father Iyad Twal, Executive Vice President welcomed the attendees at Bethlehem University, stressing that the University opens its doors to cooperation in the interest of the educational process, the students, and the Palestinian community as a whole. Then, Vice Chancellor, Peter Bray FSC, EdD, expressed his gratitude to the Zbierski family for their contribution to the development of the University’s facilities. He also stressed that the restoration and rehabilitation of the University library aimed at creating a modern, advanced library that provides a high-end service to students, faculty, and staff of the University, using modern technology to make the library an intellectual hub for the University as a whole.

In turn, Dr. Suava Zbierski-Salameh, daughter of the Zbierski family and wife of Palestinian businessman Ghassan Salameh, confirmed that she is very happy and proud to see her family’s name on Bethlehem University’s library, in memory of her parents, Stanislav and Halina Zbierski. Dr. Suava highlighted the achievements of her parents and the importance of having access to education. This point was also confirmed by the Representative of the Republic of Poland to Palestine, Ambassador Przemysław Czyż, who expressed the link between the Polish people in general, and the Zbeirski family in particular, with the Palestinian people. “There’s a common history of war, fighting, resistance, resilience, diaspora, helping people and never abandoning hope. This is what unites these two people”, Czyż said.
A congratulatory letter from Prof. Bart J. McGettrick – Chairman of the International Board of Regents, was read by Brother Belayneh Medhant, Vice President for Advancement. The Director of the Library, Ms. Elizabeth D’souza, thanked the donors and attendees and expressed her happiness with the interest the university gives to the library, which provides the necessary information for students to complete their studies and research.
During the ceremony, a cooperation agreement was signed between Bethlehem University and the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland. The President of the University, Father Prof. Tyrala, PhD stressed the importance of having a University in Bethlehem, as Bethlehem is always in the hearts of people around the world.
The event was graced by the performance of the Krakow University choir Psalmodia, followed by a visit to the library.