Publishing in International Peer-reviewed Journals on ScienceOpen

The Office of the Dean of Research held a webinar titled, “Publishing in International Peer-reviewed Journals on ScienceOpen”, the ninth of the Bethlehem University Research Group series for the 2021-2022 academic year, on Thursday, 24 February 2022.

Dr. Stephanie Dawson, the Executive Director of ScienceOpen, introduced the platform, whose database, which includes over 75 million articles, provides a rich discovery environment that allows researchers and students to explore current literature in the various fields free of charge. This is part of their endeavour, she noted, to look for innovative ways to engage a broader public.

Dr. Dawson also overviewed the range of interactive features ScieneOpen offers. These include one-click sharing, recommendations, review to lay summaries, curated collections with tools to track usage, and Altmetric scores. She also shared other tools and features that can help increase the impact of research articles.

She also discussed the partnership with Pluto Journals, the publisher of the Bethlehem University Journal, and expressed her commitment to the internationalization of the journal and to the consolidation of its status and reputation in the region and around the world.

Faculty from various disciplines across the university attended the webinar and were interested in the opportunities that ScienceOpen offers. The platform enables faculty not only to reach international peer-reviewed journals, in which they can publish in different disciplines but to increase the impact of their publications as well.