Bethlehem University Holds Memorial of Dr. Said Ayyad

Bethlehem University held a memorial ceremony to honor Dr. Said Ayyad and revive his journalistic and academic biography on Thursday, 18 November 2021, on campus in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Information, the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, Palestine TV, and the Municipalities of Bethlehem Governorate.

In his speech, Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray said, “We thank God we had the opportunity to have Dr. Said as part of our lives. He was passionate about the mission that he saw he had at Bethlehem University; to provide the very best opportunity for students to be educated and to develop skills and knowledge that would enable them to be true Palestinians in this land.”

Brother Peter added, “I admired his dedication and his loyalty to the mission of Bethlehem University. He found a way of living out the call to serve the mission that he had embraced. He lived a life of service; service to the people with whom he worked, and service to the young people for whom he worked and for that we are deeply grateful.”

Biographical films were shown, and several eulogy speeches were delivered.

To recognize the legacy of Dr. Said Ayyad, Bethlehem University dedicated a new center in his name called “The Dr. Said Ayyad Center for Interactive Media and Communication.”

The ceremony was attended by the family of Dr. Said Ayyad, dozens of dignitaries, journalists, civil society activists, government institutions, officials of the security services, and dozens of faculty members, staff, and students.

2021-11-18 Memorial of Dr. Said Ayyad