Rare Book at BU Library, dating back to 1887

This rare book written in English is entitled: “Jerusalem Bethany and Bethlehem” and was published by Thomas Nelson and Sons ltd, London, 1887. The author’s name is, Josias Leslie Porter was an Irish Presbyterian minister, missionary and traveler, who became an academic administrator.

It was printed in 1887. He describes that Jerusalem, Bethany, and Bethlehem are not the results of a single visit to the Holy City. He resided in Palestine for several years; he examines, with no little minuteness, all places of sacred and historic interest in Palestine, Jerusalem being the chief.

This book is a reproduction of important historical work. It has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work was reproduced from the original artifact and remains as true to the original work as possible. We can find the book in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations.

Readers and researchers can gain access to the publication as part of the rare books and resources in the special collections about Palestine, and the Holy Land. Besides, in order to preserve this rare book belonging to the Library’s Special Collections section, it has now been converted into digital format and can be accessed on the following link:

https://iframes.bethlehem.edu/library-books/book.php?file=Jerusalem-Bethany-and-Bethlehem-(23177).pdf&lang=English Thanks to Ms. Sana Salsa for assisting at the Digital Service Section (Digitization Project), and converting the book into electronic form.