The Representative of Malta in Palestine, Mr Franklin Aquilina, visited Bethlehem University


From: Representative Office of the Republic of Malta in Ramallah, Palestine

The Representative of Malta in Palestine, Mr Franklin Aquilina, visited Bethlehem University (BU) where he met the Vice-Chancellor, Brother Peter Bray. During this meeting possibilities for cooperation between BU and the University of Malta were discussed. Following a tour of the BU Campus, Mr Aquilina had the opportunity to visit the Open Day organized on the University Campus. Among the various activities, organized by the students themselves, were those organized by the Resource Center for Students with Disabilities. Ms Hind, Occupational Therapist, within this Center, walked Mr Aquilina through the different sections where he also participated in activities aiming to create awareness and empathy with people with various disabilities. Bethlehem University – جامعة بيت لحم #buopenday2021