“The Jerusalem Uprising: Implications and Consequences” conference

Invitation to a two-day conference
on the topic of:
The Jerusalem Uprising: Implications and Consequences

August 23-24, 2021
via Zoom application

About the Conference
The recent uprising in Jerusalem and Shaykh Jarrah was distinguished from previous such events by the wide scope of popular participation and the blow that was dealt to the Israeli military doctrine of preemption.  Above all, the uprising restored a sense of dignity and self-confidence to the Palestinian people and strengthened their faith in their ability to unite around the struggle for political rights, despite the differing circumstances of Palestinian communities in various geographic locations.  The uprising also situated the Palestinian political liberation movement at the forefront of public discourse in the Arab world and generated widespread international solidarity.
This conference seeks to analyze the implications and consequences of the Jerusalem uprising and to diagnose the options available to build on its results, both regionally and internationally. This conference will also shed light on what is happening on the ground in Jerusalem, including the ongoing Israeli policies of “Judaization” of the neighborhoods and holy places of Jerusalem.  It will discuss means for confronting these policies and for enhancing the capabilities of youth initiatives resisting the occupation of Palestinian land.  The conference also aims to analyze the role of the Palestinians in the areas occupied in 1948 in defending Jerusalem and confronting Israeli racism, which was clearly in evidence during the recent uprising.

Conference panels:

Day 1: August 23

Session One (6pm – 9pm Jerusalem | 11am-2pm ET)

International and Regional Dimensions

Chair and Commentator: Muhammad Ali Khalidi

Global Power and International Solidarity: Noam Chomsky

Means of Activating the Arab Role: Sinan Anton

Changes on the International Scene: Noura Erakat 



Day 2: August 24

Session Two (5pm-6.30pm Jerusalem | 10am-11:30am ET)

The Multiplicity of the Uprising’s Spaces

Chair and Commentator: Ghada Madbouh

The Steadfastness of Jerusalemites and Youth Resistance: Mohammed El-Kurd

The Popular Uprising: Indications of Multiple Spaces for Participation: Honaida Ghanim

Strategy of Resistance – Strategy of Occupation: Indications : Adnan Abu Amer

The Role of New Media and Social Media in Mobilization and Transcendence of Geographical Boundaries: Mohammad Abu Alrob



Session Three (6.30pm-9.00pm Jerusalem | 11:30am-2:00pm ET)

Roundtable Discussion: The strategic options to redress the balance of power and reestablish the centrality of the Palestinian cause

Chair and Commentator: Jamil Hilal


Hashem Abu Shama

Dana Farraj

Razi Nabulsi

Ruwaida Safadi

Laura Albast

Amany Khalifa


Live interpretation for all sessions is provided.