The 9th Annual International Symposium on Lasallian Research

The Lasallian Education Mission: Challenges, Convictions, and Hopes

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

Oct. 1-3, 2021

Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota is looking forward to hosting the 9th annual International Symposium on Lasallian Research on its Twin Cities Campus. Given the fact that it was necessary to cancel the Symposium last year, there is a strong desire to gather in person this year. After consulting with representatives of the various regions, it is clear that international travel continues to be uncertain and may, in fact, not be possible. All who can safely attend the 2021 Symposium at Saint Mary’s on Oct. 1-3 are welcome! For those who cannot attend this year, we encourage you to engage with other Lasallian educators in your region as you are able to do so. We are requesting that each region prepare a recorded video presentation providing an update about how the COVID-19 pandemic has affected the schools in your region and what your current circumstances may suggest regarding research needs and possibilities. We plan to post these on the symposium website. More details and consultation about this process will be available to you via the contacts below. We already look forward to the 10th Symposium in 2022 at which time we hope to be able to host a truly international gathering.

The theme for the 2021 Symposium is adopted from the recent Declaration following the 45th General Chapter:

The Lasallian Education Mission: Challenges, Convictions, and Hopes.

Like the Declaration itself, it is our hope that this theme will “motivate and guide our educational work toward the future in response to the needs and challenges of today’s world.” We note our dedication to this mission. This symposium should highlight the contributions that Lasallian higher education is making toward these goals. With this gathering we also recognize and celebrate our commitment to association and acknowledge how challenging this has been during a pandemic. Please consider joining us even if you are not submitting a proposal.

The Call for Proposals for the 2021 Symposium is now open. Submissions can be focused on theoretical research and/or practice. Proposals may fall under the broad theme of the Symposium or more specifically, the following categories:

  • Leadership and Character
  • Inclusion and Human Dignity
  • Science, Health, and Sustainability
  • Lasallian Education and Pedagogy

Proposals should include a description of the paper of approximately 250 words. In addition to your name and contact information, the proposal should also include your institutional affiliation. Proposals should be sent as soon as possible; the deadline for submission is June 15. Notifications of acceptance will be sent no later than July 15. Proposals, as well as any questions regarding the Call for Proposals, may be directed to Jack McClure, Ph.D., and Michael Hahn, Ph.D., at Student presentations are encouraged but we suggest that students work with a faculty facilitator/mentor.

The registration fee includes meals during the Symposium. The fee structure for the 2021 is as follows:

  • $300 for individuals at institutions in the U.S.
  • $200 for individuals at institutions outside of the U.S.
  • $150 for students (undergraduate and graduate)

Lodging is not included in the registration fee. Participants of the Symposium are encouraged to book directly with Minneapolis Marriott City Center.

The aim of the 2021 Symposium is to bring together Lasallian educators from around the world as well as a range of disciplines to celebrate community, share research, and explore questions of importance. We particularly welcome proposals from teachers and other practitioners.

The 2021 Symposium is planned as an in-person event. We will continue to follow safety protocols related to the COVID-19 pandemic and follow guidance from the Minnesota Department of Health.

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