Catholic Universities in Dialogue: Towards More Sustainable Research Practices


This year CIRAD-IFCU launches a series of webinars entitled « Research Talks » aimed at covering some of today’s major trends in the research field. The webinars welcome one or two speakers each month, who will present an overview of a selected trend at a national, regional or global scale based on their own works and experience. Presentations will be followed by half an hour of informal debate and interaction with participants. The Talks will take place in English, French or Spanish depending on the guest(s) and the regions targeted.

The topics dealt with during the first semester will address open access, responsible research and innovation (RRI), use of social networks as a research technique, sustainable research practices and scholarly publishing

Save the Date March 12th, 2021

2 PM (Paris Time)

The environmental emergency requires us to review all of our research practices. Several initiatives have emerged in France and internationally, among which the collective Labo1point5, whose objective is to reduce the impact of the environmental research in France, and thought of both as a scientific and reflexive space. This intervention will focus on the presentation of the collective and its activities, as well as of the current issues.

Anne-Laure Ligozat is an HDR lecturer in computer science at ENSIIE and carries out her research at the LISN laboratory (formerly LIMSI), establishments for which she is a sustainable development referent. She actively participates in the work of the Labo1point5 collective, and in particular in the work of the carbon footprint, experimentation and symposium teams. It is also a member of the GDS CNRS EcoInfo, which aims to reduce the negative environmental impacts of our digital uses.

Meeting Registration