New Volume of the Bethlehem University Journal Published

The Office of the Dean of Research and the Bethlehem University Journal‘s editorial board are pleased to announce the publication of a new special volume (37) of the Bethlehem University Journal on Jstor.

This special volume, which was guest-edited by Dr. Abeer Musleh, Assistant Professor of Social Sciences, is titled, “Youth engagement: from local communities to transnational linkages.”

This volume, as Dr. Musleh states in her introduction, “is framed within an epistemological paradigm that aims at critiquing traditional approaches to youth engagement and addressing youth experiences in socio-political transformation in Palestine and around the world.”

It includes articles by Palestinian and international researchers about youth mobilization in Palestine, Palestinian youth ex-detainees in Israeli prisons, by Dr. Ferdoos Abed Rabo Al-Issa, Beats for Gaza and green knowledge project, and anti-militarism in Sardinia.

Prof. Jamil Khader, Dean of Research and Editor in Chief of the Bethlehem University Journal, said that this special volume represents the new strategy of the journal which aims at encouraging Bethlehem University faculty and researchers to serve as guest editors to special volumes on important topics in their fields. These guest editors work with the BUJ editorial board on putting together cutting-edge articles in the field that can make original contributions to the global conversation about these topics.

This special volume, he added, also supports the vision of internalizing research at Bethlehem University. “BUJ can serve as a platform for the research and academic community at Bethlehem University to share their research with the world and network and collaborate with international researchers,” Prof. Khader stated.

You can review the new volume here.