The Historical Geography of the Holy Land: especially in relation to the history of Israel and of the early Church
by George Adam Smith, D.D.
(a short overview)
This rare book on its 4th edition dated MCMVII (1907) published by Hodder and Stoughton, London, offers the readers an interesting treatise on the history of Palestine as traced in its geographical formation. The preface to the first edition was dated 1894 qualifying the book as a rare item, a prized asset of the Library’s Special Collections of “turath” resources. Its features include plates: the first one being a map of Palestine which has unfortunately been torn off from the back pocket of the volume; others are those illustrating Samaria, Esdraelon and lower Galilee.
Thanks to Sana for assisting at our Digital Services section participating in the project of digitization and dutifully converting into electronic form, the rare books and resources in the special collections on or about Palestine, the Holy Land, and similar topics of historical/cultural interest to readers and researchers.