70s and 80s Alumni Reunion Held on Campus

Bethlehem University Alumni Relations Office organized a reunion for the 70s and 80s graduates on Friday, 25 October 2019, on campus.

With much excitement, former students gathered to be part of this meeting which included remembering the beautiful memories at the University with colleagues and teachers.

Alumni Relations Officer Haneen Musleh said the University always tries to build bridges with its graduates and to focus on their success stories in their different fields.

Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Irene Hazou, Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Muna Matar, and University employees who graduated in the same period attended the gathering and welcomed the alumni on campus.

The Alumni Office at Bethlehem University continuously works to strengthen the relationship between the University and its graduates by organizing such meetings and communicating with graduates on an ongoing basis.

70s & 80s Graduates Reunion