Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism Reunion

The Alumni Relations Office at Bethlehem University organized a reunion for the graduates of the Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism in the auditorium on Friday, 19 October 2018.

Vice Chancellor Brother Peter Bray, the Director of the Institute Mr. Nabil Al-Mufdi, Executive Council members, professors, and students welcomed the graduates.

Alumni Relations Officer Haneen Musleh welcomed the attendees and stressed the importance of holding such gatherings to maintain the communication between the University and its graduates.

Brother Peter Bray briefed the graduates on the latest projects that will contribute to the development of the University, particularly the Bethlehem University Tourism Institute project which will be established on Mount David property. The project is supervised by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) through the funding of the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD).

Brother Peter gave a detailed explanation of the project, which is expected to be completed within two years. It will include a training hotel in addition to other training facilities in the field of hospitality and tourism. The Institute of Hotel Management and Tourism will move from its old location to the new building and will be called Bethlehem University Tourism Institute.

Brother Peter also thanked the graduates who attended this day stressing the University’s keenness to communicate constantly with the old and new graduates.

Director of the Institute Mr. Nabil Al-Mufdi, one of the Institute’s graduates, welcomed the graduates in particular Mr. Abu Al-Amir Al-Dajani and Mr. Alfred Harb who are among the first professors who worked at the Institute.

Al-Mufdi said that the clarity of vision over the past four decades has brought this institute to its present level.

Two of the Institute’s graduates, Director of the Carmel Hotel in Ramallah Mr. Khalid Abu Ghosh, and the Reception Manager at the American Colony Hotel in Jerusalem Ms. Diana Aho also gave speeches on behalf of the graduates.

Both graduates expressed their happiness at organizing this gathering, which brought together old and new graduates with their professors.

Mr. Abu Ghosh said that he considered himself an ambassador to Bethlehem University in all positions he held at local and international level.

Ms. Aho said she was very proud of being a graduate of Bethlehem University and she was very grateful to the University.

The gathering included a musical performance by Wajd Musical group and Dabka dance by AlMajdal group who are supervised by the Dean of Students Office.

The ceremony concluded with an honorary reception at the Institute’s campus restaurant.

HTLM Reunion 2018